I’m too lazy to write something about myself right now so, I’ll just paste here what I’ve written about myself during my college days. But i’ll soon fill this part… with the updated ones of course! ;-p

Story of Me

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who was only four pounds, and as small as a shoe box. That’s me. When I came into the world, my parents were very happy even if they didn’t know what would be their future because they got married at a very young age. No one could stop them from loving me because I was the fruit of their love. Since that day on, they filled me with love, care and comfort.

      For the person who knows me very well, the one who can describe the real me, doesn’t call me with my real name “Rochelle”. He calls me “Little”. I compare myself to a little star that shines into the lives of many people who inspired me to be the best that I can be especially my parents.
      Now, let me tell you about the material things I can’t live without. First is my room. This is the place where I rest, work, reflect and practice my privacy. I personally decorate my room with my favorite things. I want my room to be always clean and in order because I am a very meticulous (OC) person.
      I keep alarm clocks in almost all parts of the house because they keep me in track of the things I should do in a certain period of time. For me, time is gold. Even though I am an only child, I’m proud to say that I’m not a brat who wants everything. I am a wise spender. In fact, my parents say that I’m “kuripot”. I love to eat as long as the food is healthy. Food stimulates my mind and energizes my body. But there is one thing that is unhealthy in me. I am a coffee addict. Sometimes I become nervous and have sleeping problems.
       I keep pets in our house. We have 9 Dalmatians, 4 pairs of African lovebirds, 1 Arowana fish and 1 Mynah bird. I like to collect things that are decorated with stars. It reflects my mysterious personality. I also collect audio CDs because I love music. It brings out the rhythm in my body and soul.

      The last thing I can’t live without is my toothbrush and toothpaste. Brushing my teeth gives me a feeling of freshness and confidence. Actually it takes me longer time to brush my teeth than to take a bath. Sometimes, I brush my teeth for almost 15-20 minutes!

       Now, let me tell you about the people I value most. Take them away from me and there will be no “Little” in this world. I will surely die. I love my parents very much and I respect them. They are the shining armor of my life. They know the best in me.

      My friends, particularly in YFC, keep me alive and active. I love children. I have a deep and unconditional love for them especially with the street children. I can’t bear the pain of seeing them hurt and deprived of their rights to play, study, enjoy and live a healthy and happy life. As much as possible, I help people who are in need not only financially but spiritually. I always wanted to save lives…to save souls.

    The most important in my life is God because He is my everything. He is the source of my strength to continue with my life and spend it in the best and fullest way that I can. He keeps my star within me shining.

I believe that to be a star, “you must shine your own light, follow your own path
and don’t worry about the darkness, for that is when the star shines brightest!”